
Official website of Jepara Indonesia carved teak wood furniture manufacturer and distributor, serving requests for all kinds of furniture designs according to consumer requests.

Guaranteed Quality

Custom Furniture using quality and quality materials to maintain the durability of Furniture.

Affordable prices

We do almost the entire process of making furniture Jepara ourselves so the prices are very competitive

Custom Design

Have Furniture according to Size, Color & form is a dream become a challenge.

About Us

Over time, Furniture Jepara expanded its wings in producing furniture to become one of Indonesia’s Online Furniture Stores. With various conveniences in this digital era. we are ready to serve wholeheartedly.



Don't miss this golden opportunity, visit and choose your family's favorite design

Gallery Furniture

Gambar Furniture Antique
Gallery Furniture Antique
Gambar Furniture Antique
Gallery Furniture Antique
Gambar Furniture Antique
Gallery Furniture Antique
Gambar Furniture Antique
Gallery Furniture Antique
Gambar Furniture Antique
Gallery Furniture Antique
Gambar Furniture Classic
Gallery Furniture Classic
Gambar Furniture Classic
Gallery Furniture Classic
Gambar Furniture Classic
Gallery Furniture Classic
Gambar Furniture Classic
Gallery Furniture Classic
Gambar Furniture Classic
Gallery Furniture Classic
Gambar Furniture Minimalis
Gallery Furniture Minimalis
Gambar Furniture Minimalis
Gallery Furniture Minimalis
Gambar Furniture Minimalis
Gallery Furniture Minimalis
Gambar Furniture Minimalis
Gallery Furniture Minimalis
Gambar Furniture Minimalis
Gallery Furniture Minimalis
pemilihan bahan

Custom Furniture MATERIAL

Pada saat Anda ingin membeli Produk Furniture Jepara tentunya Anda harus memilih material bahan baku & konstruksi terbaik. Custom Furniture memberikan opsi untuk dipilih diantaranya material kayu jati, mahoni dan trembesi. Anda dapat menemukan berbagai macam jenis kayu berkualitas di Indonesia yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan konstruksi Furniture Kayu Jati Anda.


Custom Furniture merupakan home industri yang bergerak di bidang produksi dan penjualan furniture. kami selalu memberikan yang terbaik dan menjaga kwalitas karena semua produk furniture kami terbuat dari 100% kayu jati, mahoni, trembesi serta dikerjakan oleh para perajin mebel & seni ukir profesional ” “Dimanapun anda berada kami siap melayani dengan sepenuh hati, terima kasih.
